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im nervous about highschool…please help…ima puke?

Im so nervous about highschool it starts in a week but i have “bear down day” today its when i get my schedule and ID and stuff like dat and den on the 20th i have orentation and im scared about both of those….and of course the actual first dat on the 23rd… gunna knw like 20 kids from my old school but we arent friends any more and i think they all hate me…..what should i do ? please help

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First off calm down hun. It’s going to be totally okay. I’m going to be a junior in high school this year. Freshman year is not bad at all. No one gives you swirlies or puts you into trash cans. It’s totally not like that at all. High school is suppose to be one of the best times of your life, so live it. When I walked into high school i didn’t have very many friends either, but i found my friends. You will meet so many new people, and you will find where you fit in. Don’t stress to much over high school. Just really focus on your studies and E N J O Y freshman year because sophomore year sucks. Ha. But I hope this helped good luck with high school. Your going to Love it!

5 years ago
We all want to feel safe and secure, but as we get older, we realize that we cannot always count on things being the same. We experience different incidents in our lives that turn our world upside down and cause us to feel stress. Most of these incidents we cannot control, others we can control to a certain degree. Some of us are fortunate enough not to experience these stressors until adulthood. Others experience stress as young children. Stress can be pinned to an outside factor or something that we create in our own heads. If we are creating self induced stress, chances are that something from the outside triggered this condition and the resulting response. You are feeling a big stress right now but you must try to overcome it try to take some relaxing herbs, do some relaxation exercises, calm down and everything will go right.

Oh my gosh…believe me, when you get to high school, you are going to meet SO MANY people. And if you get lost, teachers will help you. Its not as big as you think it is. And everyone feels like you do as well! Find someone with the same scheduling as you, like someone near your locker. They usually have the same people in the same classes that rotate together in the first year. So follow someone! Make new friends, introduce yourself. Its not so awkward because everyone will be getting to know one another. Just be interesting and have fun. Show that you are happy, you make friends that way. I dont know what happened with your old friends. I doubt they all hate you. You just might be thinking that because of the summer and all. Call one of them up! I swear it will be just fine 🙂

bob g
Just remember to stay focused and at the end of the day you want to do well in school to keep your options open after graduation, once you go to college, you will find some of your best friends throughout life. Don’t be nervous, if you don’t know a lot of the people then thats better. You can choose to be whoever you want to be… make sure its yourself.

Hey, you’ll be great! Best advice I can give you from someone a year out of high school is be kind to everyone, and don’t sweat if not everyone is kind to you. You’ll make friends, don’t worry. Also, it helps to get involved. Join a few clubs and sports teams, and don’t worry if you’ve never played the sport in your life. If you get involved early, your coaches and advisors will be able to teach you everything you need to know, and you’ll meet tons of new people and make lots of friends. It’ll be lots of fun, you’ll see!

Be the first early one when school starts, arrive before everyone is there, instead of showing up in a room full of kids. just be extra early, and dont worry, high school is going to go just fine, its just like elementary, except a little more fun, but dont be nervous, its all the same thing. now college, thats a different story

You are working yourself up in a frenzy over nothing. You begin anew, and before you know it, you will be asking yourself why you were so nervous about high school in the first place. New experiences are part of life. If you don’t get new experiences, it would be a VERY DULL way to live life.

Calm down, im going to high school in a couple of weeks too so just relax..If you think you dont have friends now then give it time. You’re sure to meet new ones in high school =)

give it time, you’ll adjust soon enough.


Don’t worry. Highschools are big, and I’m sure you will be able to meet someone you will be friends with. Just take a deep breathe! Don’t be shy and talk to some people.

Just breath deep and keep your cool.

Just be yourself and if you know you are a good and kind person then others will see that and you will make friends fast.

Don’t worry so much or give into peer persures, just keep positive and all will be ok.

Good luck!


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