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What are the odds of being in a university shooting like VT?

I was really excited to get accepted into graduate school for this coming fall…it’s been 2 years since I finished my undergraduate studies…however, once the horrible events occurred at Virginia Tech, every time I think about sitting in class, I worry about a gunman coming in and shooting at random. Every time I walk on campus now to run errands, I look at the buildings and imagine a shooting going on. It’s driving me crazy. I loved campus as an undergrad, and a shooting was the farthest thing in my mind. Now it’s the only thing I think about as August approaches. I’m going to a large, public university and a shooting could definitely happen here. What are the odds of being a victim in a shooting like VT? How can you prevent your chances of being shot in class? I’m going crazy worrying about this and I want desperately to feel excited when I think about school, not scared. I’m afraid my view of college campuses has been forever tainted by what happened at VT.

Top 9 Answers

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You’ll be fine. The reason these events get SO much press is because they are so very, very rare. And, even if it does occur on your campus, you STILL have statistics on your side because there are literally thousands of people on campus every day. That makes for a lot of moving targets.

You’re worrying too much about this. Worry about getting through the work in grad school and about how to find a study group. I gaurantee you that in the wake of the VT shooting, EVERY single school in this country reviewed its safety procedures and protocol. You’ll be fine.




5 years ago
Regardless of whether he was being serious or not, it needed to be taken serious. He needs to be locked up!! I think it has gone to everyones head though…There have been bomb threats in 13 states since the VT shooting. People are sick! There are people out there just like Cho. and the sad thing is, its people on this earth that treat them bad and drive them to this. I dont think that is a way to solve anything but thaty thinks so. America is the cause of this. We treat some people bad(not me specifically and maybe not who ever is reading this) but we dont think about what that does to those people! We need to wake up and learn that we could be the next person someone shoots because we were mean to them… Thats not right, but they didn’t deserve to feel the way they felt either. I dont agree with what Cho did and I am not making up excuses for him. However, if you want to prevent this from happenedint to you, then think about how you treat people and if you treat them bad then change that. You never know whos life you might save…maybe your own! That is how I am looking at things now. I want to be here as long as i can! However, at the rate this earth is going. I have no idea. I just pray for all the individual that were hurt by this and I prayer for the ones that are doing the bomb threats and saying such things like the 14yo did. May God Bless You!

Jordan D
There are many factors that contribute to this, such as school size, security, etc. The actual odds are very, very low. Think about how many colleges and universities are in the U.S. And think about how many of them have had a random shooting like that. It’s a very low percentage.

There is no true way to prevent something like this, but being at a smaller school means it is less liekly to happen. The more security on campus, the less likely. Also, the gun laws in the state and on campus affect probability as well. At VT, no guns were allowed on campus at all. If guns are allowed on campus, it is less likely for something like this to happen. This is because the would be shooter knows that there’s a possibility other students will have guns, and could shoot him/her. At VT, the shooter knew no one else on campus had a gun and the police were unlikely to open fire, so he pretty much had free range of the school building he got in to.


Warren D
It is so totally unusual that you really shouldn’t worry about it at all.

It’s rather like being struck by lightning or a meteor. It happens to some people but it is so rare that we are wasting time and energy worrying about it.

If I were you I would worry far more about my studies and making the grades I need to make to get that advanced degree.

The Virginia Tech shootings were horrible, and it is certainly something to think about, but campus violence is rare and usually involves one on one actions such as fights. Campuses are among the safest places you can be.


mao ying
In my opinion, the odds are even higher, because students with personalities and characteristics like the VT killer would be more influenced to act out on something like that….the best way to resolve this would be quite simple……..MIND YOUR OWN DAM* BUSINESS AND STOP GIVING DEFENSELESS PEOPLE HE*L!!!! (this is not directed towards this poster but towards all “bullies” in general)………When you verbally abuse someone who has series mental issues on top of being shy/nervous and who is not capable of fighting back with an argument, you are asking for trouble to say the least……. It is BEYOND my comprehension why if these “bullies” have it SO good, why do they want to make someone’s life a living hell who obviously is hurting emotionally??????? I am in NO WAY trying to justify what Cho Sueng did, I am simply stating what could happen if you keep hurting a defenseless person….In Cho’s case, that would be lack of social skills…he could not “verbally” defend himself…………….So my advise to you would be, if you come across “shy” students that you suspect may be hurting emotionally, don’t try to irritate them…you have no idea what you could be asking for, as the Virginia Tech students found out……………

The probability of being shot (P) = G*N-L*S


G = percentage of gun ownership within a 10 mile radius

N = percentage of nutters within a 5 mile radius, multiplied by a loon factor of 2 if there is an asylum nearby

L = your likeability factor (H*T), where H = sense of humour quotient, and T = bra size

S = speed at which you can run (miles per hour)


Life is too short to worry about things like that. We can die anywhere, anytime (sorry, but it’s true). We all have a given amount of time in this world. When Jesus (or your concept of a supreme being, should you choose to have one) calls you home, you have no choice. Just live your life the best you can and when your clock stops ticking, be comforted to know you did all you can.

The Big Red Fish!
If you really think its going to occur at your school/university, don’t go there. 🙂 easy.

Seriously, talk to your teachers/parents and discuss it, maybe you can go and do it “off campus” instead.


If you are a Cristian, unless God is done with you, you may be shot but you will survive

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