What are the odds of being in a university shooting like VT?
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You’re worrying too much about this. Worry about getting through the work in grad school and about how to find a study group. I gaurantee you that in the wake of the VT shooting, EVERY single school in this country reviewed its safety procedures and protocol. You’ll be fine.
There is no true way to prevent something like this, but being at a smaller school means it is less liekly to happen. The more security on campus, the less likely. Also, the gun laws in the state and on campus affect probability as well. At VT, no guns were allowed on campus at all. If guns are allowed on campus, it is less likely for something like this to happen. This is because the would be shooter knows that there’s a possibility other students will have guns, and could shoot him/her. At VT, the shooter knew no one else on campus had a gun and the police were unlikely to open fire, so he pretty much had free range of the school building he got in to.
It’s rather like being struck by lightning or a meteor. It happens to some people but it is so rare that we are wasting time and energy worrying about it.
If I were you I would worry far more about my studies and making the grades I need to make to get that advanced degree.
The Virginia Tech shootings were horrible, and it is certainly something to think about, but campus violence is rare and usually involves one on one actions such as fights. Campuses are among the safest places you can be.
G = percentage of gun ownership within a 10 mile radius
N = percentage of nutters within a 5 mile radius, multiplied by a loon factor of 2 if there is an asylum nearby
L = your likeability factor (H*T), where H = sense of humour quotient, and T = bra size
S = speed at which you can run (miles per hour)
Seriously, talk to your teachers/parents and discuss it, maybe you can go and do it “off campus” instead.