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what are the chances of winnig the lottery?

and how many times gettiing struck by lightnig is it?

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In the United Kingdom it’s 14,000,000 to 1. Being struck by lightning is somewhat easier.

In England around 73 people are killed annually due to lighting strikes with around 400 people hit. Bear in mind that there are 104 lotteries a year, including the Wednesday one, and often there is a rollover. Also it is relatively unusual for there to be just one winner, probably about ten times a year so it can be seen that with a population of 60,000,000 in the U K with 400 strikes that works out at 150,000 to one.

Lightning hits the earth an average 100 times per second, or 8.6 million times a day. Weather officials estimate that the United States alone receives up to 20 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes per year from as many as 100,000 thunderstorms.


Alex of the Lost Arts
Don’t put you’re hopes up fore only 5 out of 100 people win the lottery (5% chance of winning). You will be better off playing poker or trying a DDR competition then trying the lottery till’ you’re 90. if you have any junk you can sell that to a junk freak for a good amount of money as well.

4 years ago
It is a rip-off, suppose approximately it did you even input a lottery? I had the equal factor occur to me, My dull butt despatched the understanding they desired identify birthday deal with ect…..,, then they desired me to ship 1095.00 to pay for paper paintings and a few bullshit they have been mendacity I went to a web site identify ripoff file and discovered alot of persons had been scammed. So do be an additional one. Good good fortune to you and play lotto on your state no less than you’re retaining the price ticket

Slim to none, given my past experiences.

which lottery. ?.. the cHinese lottery is is fixed. only dead people win

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