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What are some of our important educational problems?Which of the educational problems is of grave concern to?

all of us?Can you suggest some solutions to our problems.

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The educational problem is the same as it always have been. Social life before learning. Until we can get it into our young adults that books before boys/girls. Then we will always have the problem.

The other issue is saftety. You can’t learn if you fearing someone is going to walk into the room with a pistol.

More issues are the amounts of homework a student gets. Home work is fine if kept to 1 hour or less more than that, the student will lose interest, not do and ultimately fail.


Uniforms (this may help the social aspect somewhat)

metal detectors security guards

no homework or less assigned.


Students shouldn’t have to carry 5, fifteen-pound textbooks around between classes all day. We live in a technologically advanced society, we should be able to overcome the cost and waste of paper by creating something else that these students can utilize, rather than causing them back pain. I know this isn’t directly related to the question, but it does concern educational institutions in general.

One of the biggest problems that tends to get ignored is the Right/Left Brain Theory.

Many of us are left-brainers: More on the creative side. These students perform better in subjects like spelling, art, literature and comprehension.

Then you have the right-brainers: More on the numeric side. These students perform better in subjects like math, problem solving and computation.

Most teachers are right-brainers. You have that handful of left-brained students that are labeled slower than the right-brained students and on some occasions, when the left-brainers take a test designed from a right-brained mind, they do a bit poorly.

This problem is heavily overlooked and ignored. Especially in schools of the “inner city”.


As a teaching intern student, from my observations, I see the strangling of the teacher’s ability to discipline unruly students, uncaring parents, and shortsighted school administrators who cannot focus on the long view, and cut funding in the arts. The arts, (music, art, drama) can save students from dropping out of school when they feel unqualified in math and science, or sports. If kids are not given an option to validate their interests in some way, and they cannot do sports or the sciences, we will lose them. If they are not made aware of the tremendous variety of creative outlets available to them in the arts, they get bored and leave. Then we all lose in our society.

what country are you in? the problems will vary a lot.

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