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we have started calling an actress as an actor now we will call a Lady prez as pati [husband] why not do away?

gender and call chairperson all overagain?

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Actually the word Actress is not a real word.. The word ACTOR describes someone who ACTS.. There is no gender involved in this. Similarly President, Mechanic, Dentist, Sailor, Tailor etc etc etc…..

In other languages, there are genders attached to this and frankly it’s stupid..

When it does get stupid is when women, for the sake of wanting to be “different” require that words or expressions like “MY WIFE” are demeaning and they require people like carpenters to be called TRADESPERSONS..

Men are not stupid.. Generally we can tell the difference between a woman and a man..

I’m sorry to be a bit rude but ingnorance like yours is something which is responsible for many many problems in the world.

It’s good you are asking these questions but in actuality you are not asking a question, you are venting your anger/frustration at a public forum.


I don’t understand what the problem is in relation to using the term actor for someone who acts, musician for someone who plays music, teacher for someone who teaches, and so on. The gender of the practitioner is not important. The president is the president regardless. The president’s spouse will be just that: the president’s husband/wife. The name identifies the job not the person. Adding -r/ess to identify gender is a practice from bygone times when gender distinction separated people as if there was a class distinction. In contemporary times we are much more accepting of people as people first and gender last…hopefully.

That’s what liberals would like to do, in their quest for “equality” and a socialist liberal utopia.

Calling an actress an actor is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard of, an abuse of the language (except in the plural) and I will never do it.

Furthermore, I hope that someone will send this to all of the liberal actresses they can think of, and I hope they’re terriblly offended.


Most actresses don’t like being called this as it makes them sound like bimbos. I mean…a female teacher is not alled a teacheress is she? And I’ve never heard of a doctoress….why should actresses be different?

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