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Want to Be a Doctors assisstant?

i am only 14 but i want to know what i can start to learn and study…..i am really serious about this… long will schooling be and what school is best?

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There are 2 kinds of ‘doctor’s assistants’. The first is someone who helps around the office, getting patients ready to see the doctor by taking their temperature, pulse and blood pressure, filling out their forms, and helping with the other office work.

The second is called a ‘Physician’s Assistant’. The Physician’s Assistant (or just PA) is pretty much a doctor. The only things he or she would need to become a doctor would be board certifications and licenses. The PA takes a huge amount of school, and can treat patients with a supervising physician present.

For the first job, you’ll need math, science, social studies, English, and computer skills.

For the second job, you’ll also need biology, advanced sciences, advanced math, and medical classes.

Go for it. You’ll really like helping people in medicine!


“The only things he or she would need to become a doctor would be board certifications and licenses.”

This is erroneous information! A PA has a 4 year degree, plus 2-3 additional years in PA school, but if they wanted to become a MD they would have to start at day 1 medical school. The PA treats a patients in office that is affiliated with a “supervising” MD. The MD does not even have to be at the same location. Generally a PA does general medicine or general surgery, but you can specilize.

A medical assistant is at most a 2 year program after high school, some states even allow you to train on the job.

So depending on the type of “Doctors assisstant” you want to do, I could give you more information on schools.


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