there is a number on the back of your ss card, anybody know what it means?
there is a number on the back of your ss card, anybody know what it means?
Top 2 Answers
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There is not a number on the back of my social security card.
You are limited to three replacement cards in a year and 10 during your lifetime, so perhaps if the number is between 1 and 10 it is a counter of how many times you’ve received a card. A Social Security Number (SSN) consists of nine digits, commonly written as three fields separated by hyphens: XXX-YY-ZZZ. The first three-digits are called the “area number”. The middle, two-digits are called the “group number”. The final, four-digits are called the “serial number”.
I know what you are talking about. I’m sure it’s just some kind of control number or their own serial number.
Why not call them and ask or email them? (calling them might prove futile)