Should I take Russian or French or neither one?
Voice Lessons (probably)
Youth Group
So should I take the course or not? My parents said if I thought I could handle it I probably could, but I wanted to get someone else’s perspective.
Favorite Answer
If you want to work in the US or anywhere south, study Spanish. If you want a SERIOUSLY high paying job, study Arabic.
If your only choices are French and Russian, study Russain. The Cyrillic alphabet will give you some practice for dealing with entirely different alphabets.
As for Russian or French – neither one unless you plan on doing something with the literature of the language. Japanese or Chinese are more likely to be useful over the next 40 years although the languages of the Middle East might also have promise if they don’t kill each other off.
I don’t know what it is, but English speakers just can’t pronounce Russian comprehensibly.
Good Luck.
Maybe you want to rethink the number of EC’s you are doing. Pick a good two-three, and work hard at them. Colleges want to see depth, not breadth.