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Should I take English 12, and probably recieve an A or A.P. Language and Composition and risk a lot worse?

The summer reading list is due soon (15 entries, 150 words each and 5 one-page essays), but I haven’t really started…and I’m having issues motivating myself to.

It’s my senior year, and my GPA suffered last year (it is now a 2.9 because of algebra 2), so I’m wanting to bring it back up a little. I could easily do so by taking English 12 and my expansive amount of art classes/easy-A courses I’m taking.

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If you have motivational issues then take the easier classes. Personally I would take classes that challenged me so it would prepare me for college. I would get more enjoyment and satisfaction out of knowing I pushed myself in difficult classes.

But if you are worried about your GPA and feel it would be better to take easier classes then go for it.

Do what you think is right. DOn’t let anyone else make that decision for you.


It depends. If you’re planning on going to college, I would recommend that you take the AP Language and Composition class. You’ll at least have the chance to earn college credits if you then take the AP exam. Also, if you’re planning on majoring in English or something similar (like Communications, Pre-Law, Writing, etc.), it would be a good experience for you. On the other hand, if you lack the motivation to make it a memorable experience for you, then maybe you should consider taking English 12 instead. If you don’t plan to be an active participant in the AP class, you will not only hurt yourself but will also negatively affect your classmates and your teacher. Also, keep in mind that college admission officers will view a C in an AP class in a better light than an A in a regular level course as it shows that you were up for a challenge. Hope this helps.

Jason B
don’t do either. instead, do a co-op english course at a community college and guarantee college credit. AP english is difficult and you have to get a 3 or better on the AP exam to get college credit. an english 101 course at a C.C is easier than AP and a guarantee. Take it from me… I took the AP.

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