Should I drop an AP class?
I’m going to be a junior this fall. The only AP class I’ve taken so far is AP World History. I worked my butt off and got an A+ in the class and a 5 on the exam. I also managed to get A+s in my other classes (they’re regular) with the exception of As in PE and English (I was never too fond of English). I’m worried that I won’t be able to handle 3 AP classes. Here’s my expected schedule:
Japanese 3
English 3
AP Psychology
AP US History
AP Calculus AB (if I pass Math Analysis this summer)
I hear AP Calculus AB is really time-consuming but I also hear that AP Psychology and US History are fairly easy. But then again, most people would say AP World History is easy but I devoted a lot of my time to that class.
I’m barely starting my ECs nows, so I want to be able to work on that while maintaining good grades. I’m also worried that my other classes, despite being regular, will also be demanding. My dream colleges are UC Berkeley and UCS
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If you don’t do that great in Math Analysis (as in barely pulling a B in it, or lower), it might be a better idea to take an easier Calculus class (if there is one offered). Otherwise, you might end up with a C or lower in AP Calculus, and that won’t look good on your transcript, even if it is an AP class. AP Calculus AB is hard, and you can get lost pretty quickly. Of course, if your school offers no other calculus course, you’ll have to take AP no matter what.
If you did do well in Math Analysis, keep all three AP courses.
By the way, AP World History is NEVER considered to be an easy class. It makes lots of kids want to pull there hair out.
I suggest you drop AP Psychology. I’ve taken it myself. Taking AP Calculus is better.
It’s not worth taking all 3 if you can’t handle it. And trust me, there’s lot of other things you have to factor in to get into college. Taking as many AP classes isn’t everything. The rest of your schedule is heavy. Take two, do excellent in both classes and the rest of your regular classes. It’s more impressive than doing bad on perhaps one of your APs. These AP tests aren’t something to be taken lightly. Taking 1 is easy, but taking 3 is a lot more difficult. Also depends on what kinds of teacher you have.
AP Psychology and AP U.S. History.. aren’t necessarily really easy. But they’re not difficult. You just have to know your material. Obviously, you’re dedicated when it comes to history, and APUSH will probably easier for you.. since it’s U.S. History. I didn’t really have any trouble when it came to the class. So, you should be fine. AP Psychology is pretty much memorization, but I guess you’ll have to understand lots of the main concepts .. for the AP exam.
3 AP classes junior should be no problem.
I took the same amount.
-AP Psychology.
-AP US History.
-AP Language/Comp.
It might make things a little tougher now, but it will really pay off by making things just a bit easier in college.