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Real-Estate license online?

I live in Idaho and I am interested in obtaining a real-estate license by taking online courses. Which school would you recommend for this? If you have any suggestions or tips regarding this, they would be greatly appreciated as well! Thank you!

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You may not get many answers because most real estate agents still take their classes in person. Some of that is because it’s tradition, and some is that the online classes are fairly new and the brokers do not want to recommend something they are unfamiliar with.

I took my required education online. My local community college offered a class. I had to complete 40 hours and it was just easier for me to do over an exteneded period then all at once. I also liked that I could repeat any sections that I felt I needed to and could “flip through” the material right before the test. Most online classes you cannot print. My class was a teaching section followed by a multiple choice “test”. I had to go through each “test” until I scored high enoug in each section. Was very beneficial to me as I learn best through repetition.

Basically your state sets what the content must be. So the classes should be very similar. Here are the approved classes. The only online approved class I see is Idaho Independant Study.


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