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Pell Grant?

I have been approved for the Pell Grant for the 07-08 school year. Unfortunately, I waited to long and the classes I need are full for the fall semester. Will this adversely affect my Pell? Will it still be availabe for the spring 08 session?

If you have a website to back up your info I’d really appreciate it.

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Talk to your financial aid officer. You should still be able to get your Pell for Spring08, but it won’t be the full award – just half (Pell is usually split into two semesters – so if you were awarded a $4310 Pell, for example, at a 0 EFC, then you would get $2155 for Fall 07 going full time and $2155 for Spring08 going full time.).

If your school offers summer sessions and it is a “trailer” school (meaning that Summer sessions are at the end of the financial aid year instead of the beginning) you could get for Summer what you did not use for Fall if you decide to attend Summer08.

Again, though, talk to your financial aid officer for further information/guidance.

Good luck!


you use it for spring and summer or take different classes for the fall. Go to a website for financial aid, like the one you applied to for the pell grant.

I know I had the same problem a few years ago so I took Spring and Summer classes.


no choose some more classes

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