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as many adjectives that start with the letter A.?

as many adjectives that start with the letter A.?

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attentive, amiable, amusing, appreciative, altruistic, affirmative, adaptable, authentic, awesome, amazing, alive, average, affable, athletic, appreciative, airy, agile, affectionate, authoritave, appropriate, adorable, approachable, ambitious, attractive, admirable, accomodating, agreeable, accessable, alluring, autonomous, accomplished, accountable, active, adroit, ablaze, afire, aflame, afloat, afraid, aghast, aglow, alert, alike, alive, alone, aloof, ashamed, asleep, awake, aware, abominable, assertive, aggravated, angry, annoyed, anxious, apathetic, artistic.

ample, amazing, astounding, awesome, agile avaricious, august, annual, acrobatic, anal, astral, angular, assessable, advantageous, asinine, appropriate, ardent, aimiable, arcane, archaic, accessible, adjacent, advisable, adversarial, afraid, aimless, alone, animalistic, attenuated, attentive, audacious, averse, adversarial, awkward, awful, aging, aged, aural, askew, alluring, aerial, absorbent, adaptable, angelic, arguable, atrocious, active, actual, axial, agreeable, apprehensive, accountable, abhorrent, argent, ambrosial, allergic, alphabetical, athletic, ancient, alert, alarming, available, answerable, ashen, affective, aggressive, associative, adorable, amenable, arterial, arch, affordable, anxious

affable, arrable, arrogant, austentacious, angry, awful, autistic, artistic, agile, amiable, abhorent, airborne, airy, agnostic, adept, alert, assertive, adorable, azure, abject, able, aged,

embroidery fan
able, acceptable, allergic, aggravating, antsy, annoying, alert, apoplectic, accepting, accessible, admirable, avaricious.

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