(20points)Who can give me the”The Magic Faraway Tree”of reports?
(by Enid Blyton) About 100~200 words. Quickly!Who can give me the best reports two days after,20points!PLEASE~!˙ˇ˙
Favorite Answer
Some of the lands are very nice, such as the Land of Take What You Want, Land of Goodies, and the Land of Birthdays. But some of the lands are decidedly unpleasant, the Land of Hippety-Hop where everyone hops on one leg even the trees, Dame Slap’s land, and the Rocking Land where the land rocks up and down and you get awfully bruised.
In The Magic Faraway Tree their cousin Dick comes to stay with the children, and in The Folk of the Faraway Tree Connie, the daughter of one of their mother’s friends comes to stay.
The children’s parents are not middle class like many of the Enid Blyton families. Their mother hopes to take in washing to help the family finances
that about sums it up in a nutshell
Hope I helped,,,,,,