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Questions about studying abroad?

I live in NJ and am wondering what are the pros and cons about studying abroad? Is it (Japan) cheaper than here?

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The only bad thing about studying abroad is that you’ll likely lose money, but it’s definitely worth it. Homesickness and culture shock could be considered cons, but hey, they’re part of the adventure. Pros: too many to name them all, but here’s a few: every day you’re abroad you learn something new, you’re never bored because everything is different and exciting, you become more open-minded, you make friends you’ll probably keep forever, it’s pretty much awesome. Studying abroad is the absolute best thing you can do for yourself- you won’t regret it.

You need to contact foreign schools to see what the prerequisites are for American students, as well as contact the consulate. Some countries will require your parents to post a bond for you and to provide all monies from tuition to books to apartments and food. Check with a local university to see if they offer semester/year abroad programs, which might be easier.

Make sure that if you do go abroad for school, that the credits are transferrable back here, otherwise your entire year might be a huge expensive waste of time.

And Japan is way more expensive than here.


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