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Pursue Photography Degree or the MBA in Marketing as expected?

I have always wanted to get my degree in an artistic rehlm like Photography. However parents and concequences told me I had to have my degree in an “employable” proffession. I am graduating with my degree in Human Resources. It is expected that I will go into a Masters Program in Marketing. However, I am having strong thoughts of pursuing my dream of being a photo journalist and getting my second bachelors degree in Photography. Is it too late to change my path?

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Get the MBA. I used to work for a publishing house – none of the photographer’s had degrees. We never even asked. I can not tell you what a bunch of b.s. the college is selling you if they are the one’s telling you to get a photography degree. Seriously, if you walked into the office and applied for a job and put that on your application you would be laughed out the office. It’s a waste of money. The only person who had a degree (graphic imaging was the lowest paid). What’s important in the industry is your book (a collection of original work) and professional contacts and references. Stick with the MBA but take a few classes to indulge yourself.

It’s never too late to change your path, however you should realize that your parents do have a point. Its always a good idea to have a plan to fall back on because work as a photographer is scarce. Why not continue on in graduate school in a field that you like, rather than what you feel obligated to do? Marketing isn’t your only option.

There’s no reason why you can’t go to grad school and take part time classes in photography. Sure, you’ll be stressed and have a heavy work load, but its not impossible. Consider it, you never know where you’ll end up!


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