please help I need some interesting research paper topics due in 2 weeks.?
I need something interesting that I will not get bored of.
Top 6 Answers
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How about the exploitation of women in the music industry? That is a topic that is gaining momentum in the arena of entertainment. Good luck!
Positive Training in Dogs – Clicker, Calming Signals, Ian Dunbar, Turid Rugaas.
What is Web 2.0 ?
What is Web 3.0 ?
Impact of dying Bees on world economy
The impact of the Apple iPhone on computers?
Should Ebonics be listed as a real language?
I did this one in my Sophomore yr. and I really learned alot of interesting things that I either forgotten or never knew about our culture.
“Time management…”. Only joking!
Try the affects of the latest graphic anti-smoking health warnings have had on reducing the amount of smoking. You know the really off ones with pictures of diseased lungs, rotten teeth etc.
Or try looking into how lowering the alcohol access age would eventually reduce the amount of alcoholics going through rehab’
heres a good one. The effects of talking on a cellphone as appossed to driving while intoxicated.
What about child soldiers? I just saw the movie Innocent Voices and it was rather heartbreaking.