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please answer my question in detail?

1. When a man is hit on his sexual organ (for example because of a kick or sth else) a situation happens to him in which his sexual organ doesn’t work anymore. Now what I want to know is a word,expression,phrase or whatever describing this case.

2. I have seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut twice but really got nothing of its concept. What’s the notion, the concept of this movie? Please tell me whatever useful or possible to be there.

3. In one source I read that the word quotation is a noun and quote is verb and you can’t use anyone of them instead of another one, but I have a book named Bible Quotes in Crystal Land. How come? May be I translate the name wrong! If so please tell me the correct meaning of the name or the usage of the word QUOTE.

4. When 2 people live together before marriage what’s the word for that situation?

Beforehand thanks a lot for your help.


Top 3 Answers

Favorite Answer

No 1: Literally, knackered

No 2: Eyes wide shut: You’ve got your eyes open, but you are not prepared (or able) to accept what they see

No 3: “Quotes” in this case is short for ‘quotations’, and is strictly poor grammar

No 4: cohabitation, as above.


4 years ago
i think of it happens to all human beings. The asker chooses an in basic terms ok answer over a miles extra useful. If that became my Q i might have picked your answer. each so often human beings %. their contacts/pals regardless if different solutions are a lot extra useful. it could have even been that they only opt for the female avatar answer over your male avatar answer. Very stupid yet i think each so often all human beings is gender-biased whilst picking a BA.

Alison P
The answer for #4 is cohabitation

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