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Personal experience with a 2 year Electronics degree at ITT Tech?

I am currently attending ITT Tech for a 2 year electronics degree and would like to hear others experience with having that same degree. What kind of job you got right out of school, what I can expect during or after school, what I can expect to make with 0-1 year experience right out of school, etc.

Top 1 Answers
Dylan L

Favorite Answer

I got my AASEE from ITT in 1998. While I was in school there were quite a few guys who decided to do the BAS. Only 1 more year for a 4 year degree, so that is what I did. I don’t know where your at but if there is an ITT close by that you can do the BAS, DO IT! Even if you would have to relocate for a year (which I did) to get the BAS, DO IT! The differences between the jobs you get with an AAS and a BAS are great.

My friends that did not get the BAS went to work mostly in retail, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Circuit City, etc. My friends that did get the BAS went to work for Motorola (good job at the time) IBM and I went to work for General Electric in their Power Generation Division.

What I know now that I didn’t know then: Most big companies don’t care where you get your degree from. They don’t care if you went to MIT or ITT as long as you have a Bachelor’s degree, most big companies will only hire you if you have a BAS (or better) or 7-10 years experience. I hired on with GE as a Mechanical Engineer, I had an Electronic Engineering degree, see what I mean? When you have a degree, all that tells the employer is that you are willing to commit 4 years (3 if you go to ITT) of your life to a challenge and see it through from start to finish.

So, AAS = retail job, maybe some kind of shift manager. BAS = More money, more options.

Good luck!


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