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Online class problem, did I wait to long?

I took a class online for the spring 07 semseter which ended in early June. I was recieving an A and my final grade was a B. I contacted the instructor about why I recieved an B instead of the A and he said I did not submit a test. I am positive that I submitted the test however i have no way to prove it due to the class being online (technology). The class ended in June and given that it is August what can I do or should I do anything. This grade means alot to me not only for GPA at this college, I also am transferring the grades to my university. I am a single parent of three and the odds are against me making it academically and completing college anyway, I feel I worked hard and I deserve my grade and it should not have anything to do with a technicality of why i should accept less. Also should I Iet it go b/c of the time which has passed? What if the professor ask why i waited so long? Please only helpful serious answers. What would you do?

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You did wait longer than you should have, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change things now. Did you back up the test in Word? Did you get a confirmation page when you submitted the test? Even if you didn’t pring it, your memory may help you. In this situation, it’s just as likely that it somehow didn’t reach the professor. Discuss this possibility with him. Let him know that it’s important for you to get a good grade and see if there’s any way you can appeal.

However, you might need to accept that you are going to get a B. If this is the case, try not to panic. Although it’s an unfortunate situation, a B is not bad. On a college level, B means above average.


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