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OKAY. This is my plans for the future. Tell me if it’s good. THANK YOU! :-)?

First things first, I’m going to join JROTC in 9th grade, then after I graduate I join the airforce from there, go through college [studying politics], become a lawyer or judge [anything that allows me to argue..I’m pretty good at logical stuff], become a model on the side, write some books, do my training and everything, live an airforce life ;-).

What do you think? Is there another route I should take? I have only 4 years to think this through before I reach college.

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Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders ;~) Good Luck!!

i also thought all these these things when i was in school but just wait for these 4 yrs to come things r going to take u-turn.ahh…but if everything is fine then ur plans r ok but u need to find out if u can do modelling alongwith being in air force writing book is ok but will u be able to give time to modelling alongwith being an airforce officer….


wow, those are a lotta plans, sounds really ambitious, good luck


4 years is a long time…….many things will change………relax

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