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need help!!!?

need a demonstrative speech topic. its 20% of my grade!! i was thinking about doing dining manners, like what you should and should do at the dining table. but then i’d have to demonstrate it using a table and the audience cudn’t really see wat i was doing, right? so is it still a good idea? i was thinking of cooking sumethin but other classmates have chosen that earlier.

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When I was in speech one girl did a demonstrative or how to speech on making bracelets out of old toothbrushes. It was pretty interesting. As for the dining manners you could ask for two volunteers and have them display their dining manners and explain the “proper way” to do it. Or you could take the part of Pretty Woman where she asks Barney for help and he goes through the process. I did my speech on how to make a purse(which I made in like 5 min) before class. I passed with an A in the course. But I was also close to the instructor.

Pick a topic that you are really knowledgeable of….For instance my hobbies includes styling hair and document processing. If I had to do a demonstration speech, I would prefer to speak on a familiar topic. Find something you enjoy doing and work it out!!!

Hope this works!


Brenda Reese
Demonstrate rude and polite hand gestures across the world; it’s easy to research, and very visual. I taught a lesson on this topic once and everybody enjoyed it.

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