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big decisions?

Hi, I’m a 21 year old college student..I took two semesters of college when I turned 18 and dropped 4 of the 8 classes I took due to sickness. I lost my scholarship and have since been saving $$ to pay to go back. I went back part time last semester, took 1 class made an A and was estatic! I am enrolled full time next semester. Composition2, US History, Elementary Statistics, and Theater Appreciation. My major is Early Childhood Edu. I paid my tuition fees last week and have been doing alot of thinking. I’m going to have to pay a LOT to get myself through school. I want to teach kids..or at least I thought so..and now I have all these doubts like what if I’m not good at it. What if the school here wont hire me..or they just dont need anyone. I’ve still got almost all of 4 years to get the BA degree. I am so worried I will spend all this money and time and be the worst teacher. I’m smart and I love kids…they love me. That doesnt mean I’d be good teaching them. For all you teachers…

Top 5 Answers
Cristal C

Favorite Answer

Oh girl! You’re are overthinking it! if u are scared of not getting hired then you are completely lost! If there is any job security after college graduation it is teaching…trust me U WILL find a job!!!!!! I found a job before i even graduated!!!!!! U WILL FIND A JOB!!!

teaching is very fulfilling…it can be the most fulfilling profession in the world but it comes with a price…experience…no one is an awesome teacher their first one!!! maybe not even your second or third…but if ur heart is in the right place and you attend relevant trainings u will become a great teacher! trust me!

and plus you will learn the basics in college which will help u survive the first year with much hope that u will get better if u try! only within time..u have to understand that there is no substitute for experience!!!!!!


Amanda M
Well, I just knew teaching was what I wanted to do. But, let’s not put the cart before the horse here. You still have a while before you really enter any sort of education program. You should volunteer at a school (which is a requirement to enter into an education program anyway) and really decide if a teaching career is right for you. Further, though, think about what age level is right for you. There are big differences between elementary school teachers and secondary school teachers. Secondary school teachers are really passionate about their subjects AND adore students, whereas elementary school teachers really care more about the students than anything else. This becomes clear in any education program. Make the right choice for you, and go with it. Don’t feel inhibited by the jobs available right now in your area. Job availablity always changes, and you can always commute a few minutes for a job that you love. Good luck!

P.S. I don’t know too much about scholarships, but if you weren’t out of school for too long, how come you completely lost your scholarship? Is there anyway to contact the people and try and get it back? Can you try and earn it back? It may be in your best interest to try and apply for others, rather than pay for school on your own. Or, apply for governmental grants. Theres no reason to break the bank or get into debt when there is so much money available to smarties out there like yourself. Go for it!


I decided to substitute teach (K-8) for a semester to see if I liked it and what age group I was most suitable for. I am so glad I did because I was sure I would like the middle schoolers the best, but after subbing I realized that elementary is where I belonged.

I would recommend trying to sub in a local public school system. Some won’t let you without a bachelor’s degree, and if this is the case then try volunteering.

Hope this helps and good luck!


Carolyn C
You’ll be fine. I’m starting my senior year next semester to become a special ed. teacher. There are going to be days when you have doubts, but I think that comes with any major. You will get a job. Many teachers are hired as soon as they graduate. Have faith in yourself. Maybe you need a mentor to help keep you motivated.

Worst case scenario: you graduate, get a job teaching and don’t like it. You have a BA; you get a job in another field. There are always jobs for teachers. Stop worrying.

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