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my son (23mth), still not speaking, only baby talk sometimes.n he is not watch us if we call. is this normal?

and when we talk to him, he dont want to look at our eyes, even we hold his face and move it to our face. i took him to pre-nursery, but he wont sit down at floor to learn like another kid, he just walk around. even the teacher follow him walk around to show the picture/book to him, he dont want to see. he close his eyes when the teacher got him. he dont want to play all the toy at there… but he go to touch the draw, the cabinet, the door ( he always want get out of the class). he love ball, once he got the ball, he hold it and take it everywhere. is this normal?

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Before you start worrying over all the answers here, I think no one here is an expert to actually diagnose your child (unless otherwise stated that he or she is a doctor). However I do reccomend that you go see a “developmental pediatrician” and repeat everything that you have stated here. Also to be sure, go see a different doctor again just so you have a second opinion. Often times, they check the hearing first to see if everything is ok and so as not to quickly rush and diagnose things right away. Good luck and if something is needed to be done, one answerer here is correct. “Early Intervention” is the key word.

No – that is not considered normal for his age. There could be many reasons for his behaviour and delayed speech It’s not appropriate for me, or anyone else here, to offer any sort of diagnosis without proper assessment. Write down all your concerns about his behaviour and go to see his doctor.

Not sure where you live. Here we have Health Units where you can take children for assessment as well. His teacher at pre-nursery should be able to tell you if there are other resources than his doctor.


They are signs of autism, I have two with autism and that’s how i found out by there speech and lack of eye contact and they hold things at lot, all children develop at different levels it’s great that you have noticed early.

See your health nurse asap and she will refer you to a paediatrician and they may feel they need to to an developmental assessment.

Good luck!


This is not normal. Take him to the pediatrician and share your concerns. They can recommend you to the proper people. It could be a neurological disability such as autism. Or it could be a motor development problem such as Childhood Apraxia of Speech (which means he physically is unable to talk).

Early detection is key and there are therapies available and many support groups to help your family.

NAA Home Page


God bless…


Have him tested by a professional. There are myriad learning disorders that mimic autism as I have found out recently. I know personally of two children diagnosed with processing disorders and mild to moderate autism. With therapy, these children can be helped to lead normal lives. You really need to have him seen by a doctor while he is still young so proper treatment can begin.

Tammy G
Sounds like Autism or another developmental disorder. There is still hope. Early intervention is the key to lessening Autism symptoms. I would get him into therapy quickly.

He could have autism. Take him to the doctor and if the doctor won’t do anything then find another one. Your the parent if you feel that something just isn’t right keep trying until you have an answer.

Good luck.


dolphin mama
It sounds as if you need to take your son for an assessment. He is exhibiting a lot of red flags to me for autistic-like tendencies (eye contact avoidance, lack of interest in typical things toddlers like, obsessive tendencies-ball, limited language skills). Please mention these to your child’s pediatrician and ask for an evaluation of your child’s skills.

You should talk to your pediatrician about this. Write down specific incidents like the ones above so that you don’t forget details.

julia j
take you child to your pediatrician without delay. Tell him everything!!!

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