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My brain gets so tired when reading a paper with so many technical words, how can I train my brain…..?

to enjoy the technical words?

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Because your brain is not used to these technical words, you find some difficutly when reading. The same thing happend to me. Whenever i found a technical word that i didn’t understand too well, I’d write on a sheet of paper next to me an easier edfinition or a synonym for the same word. then ‘d mark a star by the technical word, ( in pencil though, so i could erase it later) so if i happened to re-read this sheet, i’d know a technial word was coming up, and if couldn’t remember what it meant, I had the sheet with me. The only other thing you can do reall, Is to have breaks and do someting else in between you studying time to feshen your brian up a bit and rejuvinate yourself. I also found eating blueberries really helped me to, although i had to be careful not to stain the paper I was reading.

Paul L
I know what you mean. But if you have to do a lot of technical reading, the only thing you can do it keep at it. You don’t have to wear yourself out (mentally) doing it. Do it in stages. Read until you feel like you can’t do any more then put it down. Go do something else for a couple of hours to let your brain “relax” (so to speak). Then go back to it & do some more. I think over a week or two, you will be able to continue for longer periods. Good luck

Hah. I know what you mean. I guess it helps when you’re reading a paper about something you’re actually interested in. For me, it also helps to read a less technical article on the subject first so the highly technical one is easier to digest. Like if I have a pile of microbiology papers to tackle, I start with the review article that gives the big picture, and then start looking at the papers with experimental data.

If you’re reading a paper that is full of technical words, then I’m guessing this must be a field you’re interested in learning. Look up the words in the dictionary. Associate the words with everyday life. Most of all, keep reading and your mind will get used to it.

It is a defense mechanism. Your esteem can not take being in the dark. Learn the terminology! The sooner you learn the vocabulary or jargon of a subject the less technical it will seem.

Study for short periods and take short breaks very often… keep reviewing the terminology until it is second nature to you.


Ginko Biloba, Blueberries, Walnuts, Seafood, will all increase brain power. Aside from that, reading, taking breaks, writing while reading, doing activities to keep your mind awake will help. Try doing yoga or some simple stretching. This will help with circulation, breathing, and focus. I find it energizing to just stand, take a few breaths, and release. Allowing me a fresh start at the scientific journal that seemed so daunting before my little break!

fashion addict
well i have the same problem when reading. What you need to do is borrow or buy some books that interest you. Once you’ve started reading books you like, you can read almost anything fast and have a better understanding. See now you won’t get as bored because it won’t take as long to read it and it would now. Trust me, cuz it worked for me! 🙂

5 years ago
Right brain individuals are intuitive, creative and imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned with the bigger picture rather than details. They are impulsive and spontaneous and do not like time limits. They have difficulty explaining ideas verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions. That seems pretty accurate! Fun test!

It’s called boredom. You need to be interested and curious about what you are reading. Only way is to try and inspire yourself to love this paper you are reading

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