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ms. sun, you keep advising people to take courses at a community college. why? what does that help to do?

ms. sun, you keep advising people to take courses at a community college. why? what does that help to do?

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I’m not the user you addressed, but I similarly encourage people to attend community colleges, because they are cheaper, have a smaller student/teacher ratio which allows for more personal attention and assistance for students who struggle, and because many people are not ready for the pressure of four-year schools — far better for them to attend community college, save some money on their general education curriculum, and be prepared when they eventually transfer to a four-year school, than to fail at a four-year school and do damage to their chances of ever graduating from college.

Miami Dade College is a local community college in Miami, Florida that is actually very good. Many of the graduates continue on to 4 year universities. Recently, this college was allowed to offer a 4 year bach. degree in education because the state found many of the graduates were better prepared for the state’s exam than those from 4 year univ. It is considered on of the top comm coll in the nation. Also, if you have an AS degree (2 yr college only) you can use it to obtain a better job as opposed to having on a high school diploma. An AS is perfect for those people wanted to get started in their chosen profession. Later if they want many of those credits can be transfered to a univ. An AA degree is for someone completing 2 yrs in comm coll and then transferring to a univ for the remaining 2 yrs. Comm colleges also offer cert/diplomas in vocational studies. I believe it’s better to have something than nothing.

I am not sure who Ms Sun is…but community college is good

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