math shmath what is the answer?
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and since one of the numbers is greater than 1 lets say y=2
If y = 2 then
x * 2 = 1
x = 1 / 2
x = .5
and to prove that it is true
x * y = 1
(.5) * (2) = 1
(yeah yeah.. I read the original question wrong initially its corrected now)
How about another example… lets try with 4
x= 1/4
(.25) * (4) = 1
Yup that works too
ans: a positive fraction between, but not including, 0 and 1.
1 = +1, which is a positive value.
a number “greater than one” is a positive value larger than 1.
So, when one number is a postive value larger than 1, the 2nd number MUST be a positve fraction between 0 and 1 in order to get an answer of 1.
Ex: x * y = 1
x = 1/y and y = 1/x
If x = 3, then solve for y –> y = 1/3.
If x = 1/4, then solve for y –> y = 4.
Just by observation x = 1/y ….. If y is a value > 1, then it x is automatically a fraction less than 1. (vice versa with y)
The others have provided examples
If x=2, then y=1/2
It x=3, then y=1/3
It x=4, then y=1/4
If x=100, then y=1/100
And so on…