Just three words that end in GRY ?
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This question sometimes uses the phrase, there are three words in “the English language.” What is the last one. And they are looking for “language” as the answer since it is in quotation marks.
Other than that, there is not really a very good answer for this question. Sorry.
According to Wikipedia, there are only two words in a “modern” English dictionary that end in “-gry”, and that’s ‘hungry’ and ‘angry’.
However, there are ways you can kind of ‘bend’ or ‘twist’ this puzzle. For instance, ‘energy’ also ends in the letters: g, r, and y.
Also, if you use older dictionaries, they have many “obsolete, archaic or simply uncommon” words that end in “-gry” such as, “aggry,” “bungry,” “cogry,” etc.