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Is it true that African American people will generally get better financial aid for college?

Is it true that African American people will generally get better financial aid for college?

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OK, now that the small minded people have decided to flap their yaps, let me give you the truth. No, African Americans do not get “more” aid than anyone else. At an institution, it is important that EVERYONE gets in the door, not just minorities. People always say that there are ” minority” scholarships by 90% of them go to women ( caucasian women at that). I see this every day,people want scholarships but don’t really want to put int he work to get them ( essays, ect).


The only SEMI valid argument for that assertion is that there is a higher percentage of low income african americans than caucasian americans. On average, according to the wikipedia link below, african americans make 22% less than caucasians, and because they’re making less they could, hypothetically be eligible for more aid.

But african americans, according to the 2005 census, only make up 13.8% of the population as a whole, so if you’re looking at numbers instead of percentages there’s WAAAAY more white kids who are poor, broke, and getting financial aid.


I am African American and as far as Financial Aid it is up to you there r many programs out there to help . if you r Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, or African American there r grants that r for different ethnicities RESEARCH RESEARCH

Gypsy Girl
No, however it is true that families with low income will get more financial aid then families with higher income.

I would say no.

It depends of course, and maybe if they apply to specifically “black” scholarships. However, I have found that race doesn’t help or hinder at all in getting aid. I’m a minority, and I don’t get any extra help at all.

I’m in California, and we don’t have affirmative action though.


people with outstanding grades, have a need and file early get good financial aid award.

Well no duh…..a majority of african americans dont do good in school, or try hard to gain success. If you dont believe that open your eyes, its just reality.

Ask them.

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