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is haircut an issue when you’re studying?

do you think haircut can stifle your studies? why do we need to have short haircut when we are enrolled in a certain university? is it for decency sake? well, decency doesn’t have to do with haircut or hairstyle? im asking this coz the university where i am enrolled right now use to put an issue on haircut and hairstyle….

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Probably because your school wants to present a certain image yet can’t trust it’s student body to present that image without such silly rules.

I agree with what you are saying. I think a lot of it has to do with society as a whole. Many think if you have shorter hair and your appearance is ‘neat’ looking you will do better and are smarter. I personally do not agree with this. I work with a gentleman that has hair to the middle of his back and a beard that comes to the middle of his chest, he is one of the most intelligent men I have ever met.

So, no, I do not feel that haircuts or hairstyles can stifle your studies.


In college(50 years back) I used to get a haircut when I found my class mates passed a hand over their hair after looking at me and told themselves,’I can wait another month.’

Theodore H
As long as you can see through your bangs to read your book.

hannah d
yes. it’s because of decency.

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