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Is a Zero ( F ) calculated into GPA ?

I am failing summer courses. How does a zero calculate into GPA? Our grades goes by points. A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. I looked at my GPA score where I made an A and F one semester and the F wasn’t added into my GPA.

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An F doesn’t add any points to your gpa, which isn’t great. but it won’t take anything away

i know that in order to calculate your gpa you take the points you’ve made divided by the number of classes. So for this case senario you received a 4 and a 0. Add those together and divide it by 2 you get a 2.0gpa. . If you got a 4.0 you received a computer error in your favor because the computer might not even have your registered for that class

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