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IQ-Genetic or Made by us?

Hi Folks,

I am very keen on increasing my IQ to 155-160 Levels. My IQ is currently decent but not great. It is in the 125-135 range. Will doing a lot of puzzles and physical exercise be enough. And more over- is it possible to do such a thing. Please let me know what is to be done to increase one`s IQ.

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One of the best things you can do to increase your IQ (believe it or not) is cardio-vascular work outs. In a recent study people who consistently worked out 30 minutes or longer, 5 times a week increased their IQ 10 points over the course of 6 months.

When you participate in Cardio, your body naturally increases it’s capacity to absorb oxygen, by building more blood vessels, capillaries, etc. Since this also happens in your brain, it has the cool side effect of increasing your brain power. (IQ)

Reading is another proven method to increase your IQ. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any hard statistics on exactly how much it will increase.

I disagree with “old lady” above my answer. The fact that you are born with a certain IQ and that it can never change is a common miss-conception. I have read quite a bit about IQ, and although ones IQ will not change drastically over your life, as far as I can tell you can change it a good 10-20 points by exercising your body and brain.


old lady
As you already know, IQ isn’t something that can be pumped up, as muscles can. Stimulation can help achieve the best possible result with what you have, but that’s all it can do. It can’t create what isn’t there in the first place, and you IQ is something you are born with. If it were possible to jump an IQ up to supergenius level, there would be a lot more of them around.

But I do salute you for using proper English, spelling and grammar. It’s a joy to read a question that is actually coherent. For that alone, I’d increase your IQ by at least 10 points, if I could.


Yes you can increase your IQ about 20 points. I got this from a guy who designs IQ tests. He said he did it himself. Of course since he was a IQ test designer he had a very good idea of how IQ tests work. The brain is made up of electrical connections. If these connections are not used they cease to exist. So do a lot of problem solving and you will create new electrical connections and thus increase your thinking power. Also keep challenging yourself with new ideas and ways of doing things. This will also make new electrical connections. And it also makes a good philosophy for making the most of life.

PS intelligence usually peaks by the age 23. Einstein and all the other geniuses had formulated their greatest ideas by then. They spent the rest of their lives elaborating on their initial ideas. I personally think ordinary people start relying too heavily on habits to carry them through life and so lose their intellectual edge from lack of intellectual stimulation. But that is just my opinion


I like all of the response above. For the most part what they say is most likely true.

In my opinion, just using simple logic genetics are the primary role in determining IQ as I feel IQ is innate and determined by genetics.

There are always variables. Like I would imagine that a good way to lower one’s IQ before taking an IQ test would be to go through a long period of time of sleep deprivation, a long period of time without eating, or a long period of time without any mental stimulation or use of the thinking portion of the brain before taking an IQ test which the results of the IQ test would obviously show a lower IQ that what a person really has.

I believe that there are various types of IQ as for example one might excell in the academic world but not see similar results in the working world. I have seen many great mechanics who know very much about a limited area of mechanics and who have a great gut feeling for mechanics, a mechanics IQ, but who have little academic background with the slightest interest in broadening their academics and general knowledge of the world.

There is book IQ.

There is real world IQ.

And, most of all there is common sense intelligence which cannot be measured on an IQ test.

And the two don’t necessarily equal and could be quite far apart.

Just as an average athlete can become better with much practice and very specific practice which will allow him to excell in a specific sport, the athlete has not really changed his/her average athleticism but through hard work has excelled in a particular area. As soon as the same athlete quits practicing, an immediate regression of athletic skills in that one field will occur.

In summary, a person can study “to” an IQ test which will allow the IQ results maybe go from the 125 to 130 IQ range and jump up to the 155 to 160 IQ range; however, studying “to” a specific IQ test is not really increasing a person’s innate. Just as an athlete can perform better in an event through hard work, anyone can study “to” an IQ test and perform higher; however, this does not really increase that person’s IQ assuming all variables remain the same and constant.

Of course IQ will change to some degree, some to a lesser degree and some to a greater degree, depending upon age, experience, education, health, physical conditioning, and mental stimulation.

Through hard work, I am sure that you can increase your IQ results from an IQ test by studying to the test, but with all variables the same, most likely your IQ will remain the same as determined by your genetics and the environment in which you were brought up and your outlook on life.

I don’t think that any amount of studying or physical working out will turn you into an Einstein or a Mozart.

You are intelligent. Be thankful for that. With your IQ, you can achieve things and outperform people with a much higher IQ through hard work, perseverance, and attitude.

Accomplishing your goals in life have nothing to do with a slight number change in IQ.

Don’t let the idea of IQ consume your life.

I had someone work for me once who had a college degree but was limited in that field of work by his lack of commen sense intelligence who told me once, “You know the worst part about it is just being smart enough to realize that you are dumb and that you will never amount to much.” To me that sounded more like an attitude problem or an IQ problem.

With your present IQ, the sky is the limit.

Enjoy life and live life and do your best.

Remember as the old song says, “Numbers add up to nothing”.


A lot of it is genetic. Obviously practice would improve your IQ, but I don’t know how much your IQ will be improved.

I must say, your IQ is pretty good right now. If you just start preparing for future IQ tests, then the IQ test won’t really measure your intelligence anymore; rather, it will only assess your ability to get prepared for the IQ test.


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