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im about to start high school and i wont know anyone…?

any advice from experience?

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just go up to a group and say “hi im new here”

This can be very dangerous you know..searching for a peer crowd is like playing Russian rullet. Really I think the best thing for you to do is first make a plan for Graduation, like what you are gonna have to do to get there, and what else you want out of school besides book smarts. High school will teach you all sorts of things, some of them you will carry out into life forever and others will fade behind you. The important thing is that you stay focused and you’ll get to know people just try to stay close to the right people cause being cool and popular isn’t forever but choices you make can be. So make the right ones and have some fun for the next four years..

While it can be intimidating and even scary to go up to random people, meeting and talking with new people can be a great experience. With high school espeically, any reserves people have will be thrown out the window within a matter of days. Since you’ll likely be spending a lot of time around these people for the next several years, it’s best to just take the dive and say hi!

Kevin U
I had fears, too, when I first started high school. Even today, anything new to me is hard to accept. My advice is not to worry. When I started high school, I only knew a couple of neighbors and my brother who was two years ahead of me. I made several friends within a short time as I was active in Science Club and I played in the school orchestra. In the orchestra, I made a lot of new friends. Science club helped me find friends with similar interests. You might have called me a nerd, but that term was never heard of back in those (60’s)days. After finishing my 10th grade, our family moved out of state and I attended a new high school where I knew absolutely no one. I did well in finding friends, just as I did in the other high school. Try to have lunch with girls you are comfortable with, and in time, they will open up and let you make friends with their friends. This worked well for me, only mine was with the other gender.

If you’re looking for male friends, don’t worry, they will come, too, when they feel that you are ready for friendship, or when you feel confident to accept them. Good Luck with your high school days, they will be a great memory long after you graduate.


Randomly talk to people that look fun and interesting. My father is in the Marine Special Ops. so we move a lot, I am 17 and all I do is sit at a big table with people and start talking about my day, make sure to get all their names.

Don’t be so stressed out. Just be yourself and say Hello to everyone in your classes. If you find anyone you know of, just group with them and go friend-hunting and meeting people that are in your classes or in your friends classes. Don’t be afraid when you enter class with a room filled with people you don’t know.

i had to go to a different high school then the rest of my 8th grade friends… be yourself, smile at everyone (not a huge fake one, just a friendly smirk) and remember its EVERY ONES first day, you wont be the only nervous one there. good luck!

my freshman year was actually the best year of my high school career, if you are a talkative person you should have no problem just be friendly and keep an open and also join extracurricular activities that helps alot best of luck!

Dennis Fargo
Others will be in the same situation. Don’t fret.

Take the initiative and say hello to some people.


if you are frindly, you wil have no problem..

if you want to fit in ..

you have to lure people with something cool (to your target)

like you are from Italy or something idk..


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