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I want to improve my vocabulary…?

I am already having my post graduate course and I find that I am still using simple English. Would you give me some words that I may use. I am not from a country in whcih is the primary language but from a country where English is used as a 2nd language. Give also examples on how it is used like phrases.Thank you…

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Sorry, but this is a hard question to correctly answer… but you should go to Merriam-Webster and sign up for the free word of the day thing….. if you have an email, it sends a new word to it everyday, helped increase my vocabulary quite a bit….

u can use some of these words like

reprobate which means a morally unprincipled person

ex:the prison was full of notorious reprobates


ex:teacher knew him as being mettelsome


Eiffel Tower
I want to improve my vocabulary too, and porbably you know much more vocabulary than me.

6 years ago
hard factor. query in search engines like google. this could actually help!

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