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I want to go back to school!?

I’m having a serious problem!

I decided that i want to finish school and get a highschool diploma. . . i’m an 18 year old female so i’m runnin’ kind of late. This is really my last chance! I want it so bad, but the problem is i don’t have anywhere to live . . . . . right now i’m living with my sister. . . . . and shes a drug dealer. Since i’m 18 i get introuble if she gets busted and theres soo much traffic theres no way i can focus on school and my resposibilities!

My parents don’t live here. . . what should i do? ?

I feel that its extremely unfair for me to give up on myself and it hard at my age to do anything to get out of this situation.

Apartments here are too expensive and theres no way working part time would pay over 500 a month!

Please help! ! !

Top 3 Answers
Chocolate Strawberries.

Favorite Answer

You are 18, and hence can techincally live along. You might want to try solving the accomadation problem, since you will be affected if she gets in trouble.

1) Try sending your sister for rehabilitation. I’m assuming she’s older than you, so I admit this is going to be a terribly hard task.

2) Is there ANY adult you can trust? What about your parents? If you’ve had some fight with them, then you may need to swallow your pride and just make their home a camp for the period of time you want to finish HS. Or, you could actually make-up with them. If your parents are out of the question, then maybe and aunt or something? Just let them know you need nothing from them except a bed. Get your own meals and pay for them by getting a job perhaps?

3) Find some friends who can share an apartment withy you. At this age, there are loads of people who will be looking for apartments to stay in for their Uni years, and it does not matter if you’re in HS. You can just live with them.

4) There are really cheap apartments available if you go into the more ghetto/ backstreets part of town. Not particularly safe, so you might want to get a friend to live with you.

5) Get help from social service. It seems plain nasty, but they can actually be of help, and allow you to finish your HS life.

Remember, do whatever you can to get an education. It will pave the way for the rest of your life.

Good luck!


Mr. Riz
what are you late about?! 18 years is one of the youngest ages for college… and about your sister, get her to a rehad ASAP… talk her into it.. if nothing happens… just leave her and move out.. that too, ASAP!!!

you will end up with a black spot on you if you don’t get out of there… i see a bright future for you.. Good luck!


hang in there. Is there a church you go to? I’m sure if you started going to a good church, the members would recognize your need and do what they could to help you. I wish I could help you.

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