I want to get back in school…?
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You could talk with the admissions dept and find out if they can do a “Special Adult Status,” meaning you can take a few classes here and there, prove yourself, and then switch over. I wouldn’t recommend this because the process of switching over is a major pain.
Try Fastweb.com for scholarships. Try looking locally as well — do you have an Elks Lodge or something to that effect? Are you in a position at work where they can fund some of your schooling in agreement to stay with them after graduating? You may just need to go to a bank and take our a school loan.
You didn’t mention your intended area of study; however, some states will do loan forgiveness for some majors. For example, in WI a person in education or counseling can have their loans forgiven if they work with an at-risk population for 3 years (some number of years) in WI. Other states do this as well. But if this is your area, you should check into it and find out what sort of loans can be forgiven.
If you go to the university full time, try to apply for work-study. This way, you can work on campus (hopefully in a position in your field of interest). Otherwise, perhaps you can work full time and go to school part time. It is managable, but stressful. So make sure you have a strong support system and an understanding employer.
It may not be the easiest path in the world, and it looks to me that life has handed you a struggle at an early age. However, it also seems to me that you are strong and you keep going no matter what. And for that, I honestly believe that if you keep working at all these struggles, you will be better off in the long-run. Best of luck to you!