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I read and hear about how High school is the best four years of your life…?

But how? and why?

See I wasn’t even going to go to high school but now I am and yet I still need some reassurance on why should I go to a public school instead of cutting a year off by going to a charter school or so on? Whats so great about it?

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i have had great success after high school … overcome alot of obstacles and so on .. i hated high school … hated the homework hated the well school in general.. but after all that .. i still look back on the whole thing like it was the greatest 4 years of my life… i cant party like i used to .. i cant do alot of things i used to .. i think when people Say it was the greatest 4 years is because it will be your last 4 years with out any real responsibility. you there live it up .. have fun and be safe .. because afterwords when you go out and get a job and have a family or whatever you do.. nothing will be like those years.

Well, I think anyone who says high school is the best years of your life really has had a pathetic adult life so far, LOL!! But I do think high school is essential to your development into adulthood. It’s not about the lessons you learn academically, it’s more about the social lessons you learn in a regular, public high school, that a charter school may not duplicate. If you shave off a year, you will go into college a full year younger than any of the incoming freshmen, which may make it harder for you to mingle with your peer group at that time. Also, there is something to be said about the friendships you make in high school. I have made a couple of lasting friendships that I wouldn’t have made if I hadn’t gone to high school. I think you should consider the traditional high school path and maybe even tour a school before deciding which option you want to go with.

Crunchy Sweet
There are so many factors to this. Are you social? If so, then high school is very social. BUT, high school girl cattiness is pretty intense some times. Lots of drama still with people pairing up too. I was not into all that so I took summer school and ended up with enough credits to not have to attend my senior year and graduated early. Not sure you can do that just anywhere. Kids are just getting their maturity in high school. Some faster than others. You’ll find a group to hang with but that group will change over time. Constant evolution! If I had been given the choice of public or private, I would have taken private! It also looks better on your college applications.

well if you go to public you’ll meet more people and if you’re interested in doing sports you’ll be able to compete against more schools. you’ll also be able to meet more people. it doesn’t really make a difference because you can graduate a year early from high school too. I was but i just decided to stay for my final year. But in order to graduate a year early you have to take summer school every year, night school, and anything else that will get you the credits needed to graduate for the public HS that you decide to. but in if you don’t like crowded classrooms with many kids in them then you might want to go to charter because my classes sometimes have about 30-40 students in them and that’s just in my english and history classes which are suppose to have less

High School sucks. Get through as fast as possible and get to college. College is a lot of fun.

You aren’t living right if high school ends up being the best four years of your life. That would be really sad. Have goals, continually improve yourself, make wise decisions and each year will be better than the last.


Katie K
That’s a lie. High school is fun because you can hang out with your friends and you really don’t have responsibilities. There are so many other great things in life to come. Enjoy it while you’re there. Its a good time but certainly not the best years of your life.

Simone L
I’m not going to lie to you i hated high school with a passion but if you don’t go you will always have the what if questions in tha back of your head. High school was a time where i met some of my best freinds. There were some good times but for the most part i think it was just the school i went to cause GDub SUCKS!!!

Honestly, it is not the best years of your life. Compared to what you will have to deal with later in life, they are certainly less complicated years, but they were by no means my best. I am 28 and think that mid twenties was the best, even now is pretty good. It is probably different for everybody though. But, count on having more good years ahead of you, girl!

It depends for some people it can be the greatest years and for others it could be the worst years. Depends on your personality and friends and all those things, what you think is fun, how good you are at school etc etc….I dont think its possible to predict how yours will turn out but you get what you put into it.

In my oppinion, life starts when you get out of high school. So meh… whatever. BUT you will meet a lot of cool people there and have a lot more fun that the other place. I promise.

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