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i need healthy slogans for the youth/teens immediately?!?

i need a healthy slogan for the teens or youth && i need the answer right now. pls help me guys. thanks!

Top 3 Answers

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Work smarter, not harder

Fate only gives you as much as you can handle

Walk softly and carry a big stick

Those who are intelligent show it with closed mouths, those who are stupid announce it

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar

The pen is mightier than the sword

Pay attention to your surroundings, it pays (you might just find a twenty on the ground)

Knowledge is power

Ignorance breeds fear

Fear breeds stupidity

One person can be intelligent but a mob is (a wild animal/stupid)

Haste makes waste

Everything in moderation

Too much of anything is bad for you


5 years ago
If you have a healthy lifestyle for real; it shouldn’t be hard for you to come up with a slogan. How much are you’re being paid for the slogan? Good luck.

debbie f
There is no sweeter revenge than complete and total forgiveness of the offender.

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