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I have two questions about school. Ok?

First, when is a good time to buy school supplies if you go back to school around the first week of September?

Second, I have a TI-84 Plus Graphing Caculator and I had to reset it cause the grahping wasn’t working and I lost all my applications except for ‘Finance”. Do teachers use any of the applications in class?

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Some time in August would be fine. I got a TI-83plus calculator back in my freshman year in high school and I still use it in my senior year of college, I’ve never needed the financing programs. One of my friends did once but he is in the management department. So if you aren’t taking any management or serious business classes it’s doubtful that you will ever need it.

Well concerning school supplies, I would buy them whenever I was out say and I saw a pencil case I liked etc cos the closer you get to term time the less selction you have, however for pens, pencils etc you can usually buy them whenever. Stationary shops – the better known ones usually start some good deals in August though. Secondly your calculator, I don’t have a clue as I’ve only every used the Casio scientific calculator. You could always just ask your teacher when you get to school seeing as they’re usually not too bad with calculators and if it’s not useful anymore buy a new one at the weekend. No point in wasting money if you don’t have to.

Do all of the schools in your area start around the same time? If not I would start looking for supplies around the time that the first school to go back. I don’t know about the second question. I teach 2nd grade.

School supplies are already hitting the stores around here.

Nice calculator. I have no idea if teachers use it. I would hope not too much because mathematics is all about using your brain and not learning how to operate a calculator.

TI have the applications for download. Many are free.


dancy 🙂
I only know the answer to the first question- in the first week of August.

1around the end of jul begining of aug 2 no

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