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Is this school requirement harsh?

Are these school requirements harsh?


1.) All School year: 2007-2008 high school batch of students are required to have a training in scouting whether they like it or not after dismissal on Friday from 4:00pm to 5:30 pm.

2.) The assignments are given everyday minimum of 1 an maximum of 8. But the problem is everyday we were given 8 assignments per day!

3.) PDA (public Display of Affetction) is strictly forbidden! Even holding hands with the same gender.

4.) No erasures in test if there’s an erasure i a test the answer will be considered void or invalid.

5.) Even on Friday, the teachers are giving quizzes!!! But that’s not fair because it would spoil our weekend.

6.) There will be a-7 page assignment!!! WHAT!!

7.) If you are late in one minute in going to school or after break; you are considered late for the whole day.

Is this harsh??? Every night because of these requirements I sleep at 12:00 midnight and wake up at 4:00 am.

Top 5 Answers
Gnarly Surfer Dude Guy

Favorite Answer

Private schools can set their own set of rules and standards. If these standards are too stringent for you, then maybe you should go to public school.

Yes it is, especially that test thingy. Nobody is perfect so there’s bound to be erasures in tests. The assignments and the quizzes also sound harsh but that’s life…full of trials. Based on the time you sleep and wake up, it seems that you’re lacking enough time to sleep and that’s not good so I think that your school requirements are quite harsh. I hope that you can cope with it though.

Timothy S
It’s called life, pal. And how does a Friday quiz ruin your weekend? MONDAY quizzes would ruin your weekend! Just like Monday staff meetings. No PDA is permitted in offices either. And assignments are way more than 7 pages. Get a clue.

OK it might be a private school but that is really harsh you should try to find another school because you are being set requirements that are too high for you

4 years ago
on the floor they do look harsh. What variety of school is it – public, deepest or protection rigidity? Who desperate on those measures? are you able to delight supply some greater suggestion? Are you a pupil or instructor or be certain?

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