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I hate school. When will things get better?

I hated kindergarden, hated middle school, hated highschool and now, I hate college. I hopefully will graduate college in about 2yrs, so how do I make my life better once I graduate? I don’t want to hate life once I graduate.

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When do things get better? How about when you change your attitude?

Quit whining and do the work.


Now is a good time to really delve into exactly what you didn’t like about each of your educational experiences. Also, look at what things you actually liked. Go through each year of school and really explore each experience. Think about what would have made each experience better. What would have made each experience as ideal as possible? Also be willing to look at yourself–your reactions, emotions, level of maturity, to see where you could have made each situation better.

Look at your research to see what the commonalities are. This may give you an idea of what kind of work or work situation would be best for you. Then you can start to do research on what kind of job would best suit you.

The good news is that work is not at all like school. It can be a completely different experience. The bad news is that there will certainly be things about work that you dislike. You will have to learn to have that be okay as long as the factors that are most important to you are present.


Sounds like you’re in a pattern. Might be helpful to take the time to examine your pattern, and perhaps your attitude towards life in general.

Do consider changing your attitude on life.

Things will not necessarily get better, but your outlook on life can.

Good luck!


it all depend on your career, if u hate your career, its all over…

the only solution i can think of is to find something that is fun, and make a job out of it

remember, a job is just getting paid for work, and if u think work is fun… well…suck to be you….


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