I dont know what career i want?
Im a senior in high school, and im going to a 2 year/possibly 1 year community college afterwards, so i need to know what i want to do in order to apply to a certain college. The reason why it matters is because i want to travel overseas and study there, but if i want to become a lawyer(which i might) id have to stay in america to study the law system, but if i want to do enviornment or animal studies then overseas is great. I need help, im confused at what to do. I dont know what college i might want to apply to or anything. what should i do?
Top 2 Answers
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Ohhh…. you are just affraid to make a decision because you don’t want it to be the wrong one….so you want someone else to tell you what to do!
Well dear, its the wonderful world of decision making…and its called …..Growing Up!!!
The whole key as to how you arrive at the doorstep of your next journey, is going to depend on one thing and one thing only……did you listen to your heart.
There is no wrong decision…just do what your heart tells you…and sweetheart don’t………….look back!
Have fun 🙂
See if there’s some kind of general program of study you can use to branch off either way and take electives at the CC in a couple of things from those two areas of studying to give yourself time while in college to decide where you want to go from there.
Depending on how long you want to study overseas, you may also just go with your program in environmental or animal studies. Study overseas for only a semester or summer or something like that, come back and finish the rest of a bachelor’s program here.