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How would i write a statement of intention for an English assignment?

How do i set it out, what do i include, etc.

I can present the first part in any way i want and then i have to deliver a speech.

Top 4 Answers
Doubly Doo

Favorite Answer

A statement of intention is generally a paragraph (or two if it is a complicated speech topic) outlining what you will be talking about. For example, suppose your topic is going to be “How to find the perfect outfit at the mall for the best price.”

What would your audience need to know? (What constitutes a “perfect outfit”? Is that the same if they were looking for formal wear or casual wear? What stores would be good to look for it in? Are there stores I should avoid?)

What do you need to know about your audience? (How old are they? What gender are they? What do they do? How much money do they have? What price range would they consider “a good deal” to be? How much experience do they have with malls?) Imagine my audience is businessmen in their thirties, does that audience look different than my audience if I was addressing teenage girls (12-14) who live at home and have $20 per week to spend at the mall?

Once you have established who your audience is and what you want to write about / give a speech about, then writing the statement of intention gets easier.

Basically, you will write an overview of your speech. [This is what a statement of intention might look like].”In my speech I will tell how to determine what a perfect outfit looks like. I will also demonstrate how to find the best bargains and what doesn’t go together and why.”

Your statement should look different than mine even if you were writing about the same topic. I need to be able to “demonstrate” what a perfect outfit looks like. Can I do that? If not, it better not be in my statement of intention. If I can, that might be the perfect place to give some visuals (different outfits that look good and ones that you think look awful).

Notice that I use words like “demonstrate” ,”how to determine” , etc. in my statement. You want action words in your statement. Remember that speeches are spoken writing assignments. You will probably end up saying less of your written words than you intended to (That happens when you get up there because you are nervous) so make sure you have thought through the speech. As you write your speech you may notice details that you have left out of your intention statement. That’s okay as long as you revise your statement to include them.

Hints for a good speech: Write it out. Put it on note cards. Practice in front of your mirror. Then practice in front of someone in your family. Good Luck! Hope this helped.


4 years ago
Statement Of Intention

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How would i write a statement of intention for an English assignment?
How do i set it out, what do i include, etc.

I can present the first part in any way i want and then i have to deliver a speech.


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