How much does it cost to go to a community college for 2 semesters?
I’m looking into going to a commuity college in order to become a Houston FireFighter, and all I need is a 2 semester certificate in order to enroll in the fire academy. So does any one know how much that would cost me.
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Find the school you want to attend and call the admissions office. Ask how much is their tuition. Then multiply that by the number of credit hours you are going to take. Add about $100 per class for books.
Usually community colleges cost around $300 per class. Also, you’ll need books and sometimes they cost more than the classes. You can look into getting financial assistance by filling out a fafsa form on the net. Also, student loans are easy to get. Good luck with the whole fire fighter thing.
Cost for community colleges vary from state-to-state. Here’s a link to Houston Community College’s tuition cost page:
“Semester hours” = # of units
So, 3 semester hours = 3 units.
I hope you achieve your goal of enrolling into the fire academy 🙂
I just registered at the community college near my house, and the total cost for the four classes I am taking (12 credits) was 1196 or something, so about 100 dollars a credit, not including books, which I anticipate costing about 400 dollars or more.
They cost has gone up a lot! It’s over $300 a year sometimes as much as $500, INCLUDING BOOKS.
More if you want parking.
More if you want Fooball Games and Free Theater shows (called “Student Activities”)
Some will let you just base BASE FEE (No activities).
It’s really gone sky high. I used to pay like $18-24 a semester plus lab fees and books. Total of may $100 maximum.
But of course back then I used to ride my Dinosaur to school!