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How hard is the AP Bio class?

im not very good at science

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AP Bio can be very difficult. There is literally tons and tons of information to memorize. I’d recommend that you do honors, if possible. You might consider taking AP Bio during your senior year, though, if you do well in your biology class this year (11th grade, if I am correct?). Biology is just a lot of memorization for the most part, but I loathe having to memorize Biology, since it doesn’t really interest me.

Actually, unlike the poster above me thinks, it is better to get a B in an AP class than it is to get an A in a regular class. However, if you are not very good at science, you might get a C in the AP Bio class, which would be worse (Cs look bad, AP or not). Also, just because AP Bio is so much work, you should be careful.


mari m
Well…how did you do in Freshman Biology? AP Bio is a more detailed advanced version of regular 9th grade biology. I thought AP Bio was easier than AP Chemistry.

unless you’re planning on taking the AP exam or majoring in sciences…i suggest going with regular bio…It’s easier and truely it’s better to get an A in a regular class than a B in an AP…good luck!

that is very strange.. usually itshould be biology-> chemistry-> physics… hmm.

it will be harder for you since you have not had a biology class before, but i think you can handle it. ive heard various things about AP bio. ppl say its easy, ppl say its hard, but it all depends on the teacher and you.


It’s ALOT of notes and alot of lecture. At least…my class was.

I enjoyed it, but if you’re really not into science, it might not be for you.

It depends what your strong points are. If you’re good at note taking, and want the weighted average, go for it!


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