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How do you teach parents who hit their kids that you don’t teach discipline that way, you only create fear?

How do you teach parents who hit their kids that you don’t teach discipline that way, you only create fear?

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That’s exactly they want their kids to feel.Fear so they can respect.I think this is why many young people are lost these days.Kids are kids and they need discipline.You can talk, but if they do something like a major display of disrespect then I dont criticize if a parents hits a kid.These days, if you talk to a kid then talk down to you, like you’re a kid their age.

I was hit when I did something really bad and I grew up just fine.Till this day I have a very good relationship with my parents.

Now,I could be wrong but that’s just my humble opinion.


Lady J
I guess the first question they should be asked is, “As a child were you beaten by belts and what form of discipline was used on them?”. I hate to quote stats but, I found with my students who show a great deal of anger and tendancies to uses violence (hitting of other students)they came from families that ritual beatings with belts was standard procedure.

Teach the parents CONTROL! This is so not an easy thing to learn or teach. I am a parent and let me tell you that I have never known rage till I had a child. My child is my life and the world beats her up enough…I don’t have to do that at home. Home should be an environment that is safe and free of “fear”.

A suggestion is to tape record yourself when your child is completely driving you nuts. Listen to yourself…do you scare yourself? Put yourself in the child’s shoes. When your child is playing and they are pretending to be playing house how are they dealing with discipline? Parents sometimes need to step back and listen. I think we all get so dogmatic with out own lives, we don’t consider kids have feelings.

Yes, hitting and stupid abuses of parental power are nothing but fear. I think responsible parents need to slow down and look at what they are doing.

Abuse goes from one generation to another…it takes only one to break the cycle. As a teacher, this is so cool when it happens. (I have only seen it 4 times in 4 years..pretty scary huh?)

Just my thoughts.


You should tell them to try not hitting their kids for a trial period…maybe like a month or something. The childs punishment should be bad enough that they don’t want to do what they did again. Tell them to take away something that the child likes, maybe a video game or allowance. If it works {which it will} hopefully the parents will stop hitting them.

If you suspect that they are abusing their children, you are required to call CPS. As a teacher, you are a mandated reporter.

If you don’t suspect abuse, you just don’t like their discipline style, you need to learn to tolerate people who believe differently from you. You wouldn’t want them telling you how to teach your class; don’t tell them how to run their household.


I think that is a very good question.They spank them to exprss themselves not knowing it does not solve anything.There should be more talking then spanking your kids.

good luck

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