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How do you know if a movie has a good cinematography? What are the characteristics of a good cinematography?

take Cast Away(Tom Hanks movie) for example… what can you say about its cinematography?

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You’re looking for well composited shots. Good use of angle and depth of field. Alot of information can be conveyed just thru the imagery presented by the pictures you are seeing.

In Castaway, for example, when Hanks is sitting on the beach with “Wilson” and they have the long shot of the beach, you can tell how utterly alone and isolated he is from society.


for Tom Hanks i would have to say

Forrest Gump for cinematorgraphy

the pan shot of the landscape

the tone the lighting of the rock..etc

are so fantastic

I love any slow smoooth shots

with rich in characters and atmosphere

filled with features and colours

to mesmerize me, titillating me

to explore that place and time


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