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what was ur middle school yrs like?

im scard to go because i get to skip 6th grade and go to 7th grade instead. any advice?

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Hi, I am a 6th and 7th grade teacher. Middle school can be tough for kids. You will be growing up, making new friends and having to study harder to make good grades.

In middle school, boys start to notice you and since they don’t really know what to do, they tend to be a bit rough during middle school.

One of the things I would suggest is to not make a big deal that you have skipped a grade. Kids at your age (and believe me, I have 25 years of experience in MS) will think you are bragging and you will not make friends that way. Since you are skipping to 7th grade, you will also have to find a way to be a part of an already established group. Don’t worry too much though, there will be other new students. Try to fit in, but don’t compromise who you are. If you are smart, BE smart.

In MS, you need to be ORGANIZED. That means, write down your homework and always have your correct books for class (and a writing utensil).

You will need to learn what each of your new teacher expects from you. Some, you will not like. Personality aside, you have to get over it and do what they expect of you.

Be a self advocate: That means, if you get confused or you need extra help SPEAK UP! No one can read your mind, and if you are quiet as a mouse, you’ll be left behind.

DO your homework and plan ahead if you have a busy schedule. You will have more long term projects and you cannot procrastinate or you will regret it the night before the due date.


Give your self fall term to really get it and fit in. Trust me, you ar going to be FINE!


It wasn’t that bad. The only REAL difference between 5th and 6/7/8th is the class schedule; you have to walk to different classes. Oh there’s also the whole puberty thing, but its no big deal.

So no, don’t worry about it. Don’t know about schools in your area, but here in SoCal, 6, 7 and 8th grade are middle school, so you would still be able to talk to some of your old friends, but i do suggest making new ones in your grade cuz when you move to highschool, they’re the ones you’ll be kicking it with cuz ur older friends would still be in middle school 😉


For me my middle school days were the best yrs of my life. That’s when you can get involved in sports and clubs and if you join them it will help out a ton with social skills and prepare you for High School. It’s important to form a stong relationship with friends who will contiune on to the same High School as you…because for me that was hard to attend a high school where so many other people from different middle schools attended as well. I kinda got lost in the crowd when I went to HS (I thought it would just be the same crown, but I was wrong). I had to start all over.

Middle School is a lot different. You have a teacher for each subject rather than just one. (Kinda felt like College, so I thought I was cool cause I had to walk to each class instead of attending the same home room) Classes are more fun, but they expect more from you because you are older.

Just have fun!!! Enjoy everyday of it.


My middle school was for only 7th and 8th grade. 7th grade really sucked becuase I was a dork. I was tall and skinny, no muscle and I sucked in sports. One girl liked me, but I liked the real pretty girls. 8th grade was a little better, but I was still a dork. I didn’t break out of that until the summer before going into high school. I went through a major transition that summer and my high school years were great.

My middle school years were ah-mazing, and sooo much better than elementary school.

My Advice?

Try out for alot of teams and clubs, because even if you suck, you get to meet a lot of new people.

NEVER stick loose papers or other garbage in your locker, because before you know it, you end up with an avalanche of papers coming down upon you.

Be prepared to deal with the harder work. It’s not that bad, actually, but still tougher than elemantary school. Pay attention in class, because if you don’t, you’re going to hate yourself later.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, don’t worry about it! Be yourself and people will love you,trust me! my jr. high years were the best. And even though it seems like a scary thing, it’ll be fine.


it depends what school u go too. Just be ur self. I did too and i turned out great. u may be asked a lot of questions on homework help. Good luck. The good thing is u will be going into dances and the sooner u get out of school completely. P.S. I’m going into The 8th grade.

Junior high/middle school is awkward, to say the least. The best years of your life aren’t during this time, or high school, or college really, the best years are your early 20s, believe you me. Just make sure you get very involved because you should be able to make lots of new friends that way. Also, people can be very critical and mean during this time, don’t let them get you down!

ugh.. middle school…

i enjoyed it, but it isn’t the best time of your life.. it will take a while in high school for you to find yourself and finally start acting like yourself..

middle school is no big deal and i see it as just an transition period between elementary school (of which i remember nothing) and high school (which i am going through now and lovign it.. but it’s going by too fast and i’m dreading leaving for college and the real world)

my 8th grade teacher told us that middle school is when you look your worst – you don’t know who you are personality wise and you are going through physical changes, too.. but i agree totally with her… i can’t believe that i did what i did and don’t know what was going through my head.. i was more of a quiet individual and though i was the top of my class, i don’t remember half of what was ever going through my head (and don’t remember much of what i learned)

but don’t worry – what you learn in high school will help you to know what you want to do later in life and even that isn’t important compared to what college has in store!!


Best advice… let your personality shine and be friends with EVERYONE! Don’t judge because someone is nerdy or gothic or any of the other stereotypes that exist, just be yourself don’t change for anyone and again… popularity is about kindness and what kind of person you are, and you will be suprised at what kind of people you will meet if you give everyone a chance.

You finally get different teachers every period except for Literature, which is 2 periods. You meet a lot of new people. It’s fun, but its just a little tiny portion of your schooling because you still have high school.

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