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How do you enhance your SAT scores?

Any websites, books, or whatever that may help me? (=

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Ok. This is very important, so take what I write in caps to heart: DO NOT BUY ANY KAPLAN OR PRINCETON REVIEW BOOKS!!! Got that? They have multiple errors and are very unclear.

Also, DO NOT TAKE ANY TEST PREP COURSE FROM KAPLAN OR PRINCETON REVIEW! I say this because of experience. I did not improve during these classes and found them to be a waste of money. (OK. So hoping that a general SAT course will help a 2000+ score is unrealistic.) Unless your projected score is in the 1800s or lower, I do not recommend that you take these courses. Instead, I would just buy a Barron’s practice SAT book (or if you’re stuck, you can suffer through a Princeton Review book).

I do recommend that you go to and and sign up for their free practice SAT and PSAT tests. During those sessions, you will be able to take a practice test in a simulated setting so you get some experience taking the test. I think Princeton Review’s is better, and they give you input on your practice essay, too.

Now as for books, you should buy the one published by the College Board. I know it’s a bit pricey, but they are the people who make up the test, so they know the test better than anyone else. I think you can find them cheaper on Amazon or something.

Another thing you can sign up for is on the College Board website, and it’s a SAT Question of the Day. It sends you a practice SAT question every day to your e-mail and is good practice. Also, I saw one or two of those questions on my real SAT, so that’s even better!

Also, there are plenty of SAT vocabulary lists online that you can look over. I recommend you DO THAT!

Basically, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! It’s your best bet. Good luck!


I would pick up a guide at a barnes & noble that has practice tests in it. Another thing is to review basic algebra and vocabulary. You can buy books with SAT words in them. They’re fun to read, and are a way to study:)

Harmy Tangent
Critical Reading: Read. Read everything. Read your cereal box. Read the NYTimes. Read great books and look up the words you don’t know.

Math: Learn to work quickly, and learn to recognize the types of questions that they ask.

Writing: See CR, but really, learn to love grammar! Strive to speak precisely and correctly, and surround yourself with people who do the same.


There are practice tests on-line or you can buy software. Practicing is the only way.

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