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How do I say a girls name without studdering?

her name mariah

and when I call her house and ask for her I always studder the sentence I ask

I want to say…. Is mariah there?

but i studder when i say her name and ask for her

Top 9 Answers

Favorite Answer

Try saying it a different way.

Say “can i speak to mariah please?”

or “mariah please”.

The less words, the less likely you’ll stutter while saying them!

and that’s so cute…hehe


You can use her other name

Do you stutter with all M words or just her name? Does the same thing happen when you talk with her in person, or is it only on the phone? Practice asking for her in different ways (May I please speak with Mariah?) or May I please speak with your daughter? Your sister? Or you can make a joke of it, since her parents already know you have a stuttering problem: Hello, this is (your name). I would like to speak with someone. Can you guess who?

Other possible ways around it would be to roll the r slightly, or say Bariah with a soft B (sort of like Mariah with a cold). Speaking slowly in separate syllables may help too.


You are just nervous, here is a trick that sometimes works practice her name in syllables and tap your finger for each of the three syllables. Start slowly Ma Ri Ah as you practice tap your finger faster. Once you get it out of your mouth you will be fine. The rythm technique works as would singing ( terrible stutterers do not stutter while singing) Singing her name would sound a bit goofy but take the rythm and use it.

cherie j
When u are waiting for her to pick up the phone just take deep breaths, relax and plan what your going to say in your head.

Visualise yourself saying “is Mariah there”, and repeat it in your mind over and over. Then as soon as she answers the phone just say it without thinking about anything else. Purely focus on the phrase.

Thats what i do when i need to say something and i get nervous xx


my brother has studdering problems

so when he talk to us he like sings the word but not like real singin he just say it wth a flow

so i suggest you say it with a flow


obviously your nervous, so don’t be, I know easier said than done. So think of a song with maria in it. Or pretend your question “can I speak with maria” is a tongue twister and practice saying it a few times before you call.

Grand pa
Sing it . mel Tillis is a big name in country music great singer but stutters when he talks check out his music

try saying her name in front of a mirror and pretend ur asking to talk to her.

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